On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 Thesis to the door of Wittenberg Church leading to the Protestant Reformation. On October 30, 1534, English parliament passed the Act of Supremacy, breaking with Rome placing the king as head of the church. Is there something in the chill of autumn air that leads to fracture? Did the Lutherans and Anglicans plan to leave the Church just before All Saints? And why do they celebrate bad break-ups? I find Reformation Day much scarier than any Halloween tale.
A Reformation Ghost Story
On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 Thesis to the door of Wittenberg Church leading to the Protestant Reformation. On October 30, 1534, English parliament passed the Act of Supremacy, breaking with Rome placing the king as head of the church. Is there something in the chill of autumn air that leads to fracture? Did the Lutherans and Anglicans plan to leave the Church just before All Saints? And why do they celebrate bad break-ups? I find Reformation Day much scarier than any Halloween tale.
7 Quick Takes Friday (vol. 92)
1. I meant to do Quick Takes last week, but I scurried home to celebrate my dad’s birthday and never got around to it. I am most unproductive when home.
2. Which doesn’t bode well for this weekend. I’m home dog-sitting and recovering from an eye problem while still trying to get about 10 pages written by Monday. Ha.
3. This
semester is going way too fast. All the end-of-year projects are picking up, I
need a thesis topic, and I’m quickly falling behind on things. The beginning of
December seems much too close, yet the middle of December seems much too far.
4. While
trying to stay on top of work, I’ve been listening to a lot of music and
podcasts. But I find myself just overanalyzing everything. For example, last
week I concluded that “Bare Necessitates” was a criticism of certain parenting
styles whereas “Land Down Under” had some theological positions on how
strangers/sinners should be treated.
5. I caught
up on this season of Doctor Who. I was amazed at how pro-life the episode “Kill
the Moon” was. The women have to make a decision about killing a creature
before it hatches, the world votes to kill it, but Clara does the right thing
anyway. Then she’s angry that the Doctor left the decision up to her in her
moment of need. I think it made a really good case for the beauty and
importance of life, as well as showing the triumph in choosing life in a situation
of danger and fear.
Clara: “Doctor,
what is it?”
Doctor: “I
think that it’s unique. I think it’s the only one of its kind. I think that is
uttering beautiful.”
Lundvik: “How
do we kill it?”
6. The
diocese is investigating the claim of a medical miracle attributed to the intercession
of Servant of God Isaac Hecker. Hecker founded the Paulists, one of the
missionary orders present in the area. If the diocese determines that it was a
probable miracle, the case will be sent on to Rome. If the Roman investigation
determines it was a miracle, the incident will be added to Hecker’s case for
canonization. I’m more interested in the process itself than the actual result.
7. This link was meant to be posted in last week’s list, seeing
as it played into the Columbus Day weekend. Let’s remember that European
explorers often were not very nice guys, and in commemorating colonialism, we
have to also acknowledge how native populations were affected. And we should learn more about men such as Bartolome de las Casas.
St. Jane de Chantal

During Lent
in 1604, she met St. Francis de Sales, and he became her spiritual director. (After
de Sales’ death, St. Vincent de Paul served as her spiritual director.) In
1610, after setting up support for her children, she left for Annecy where she
established the Congregation of the Visitation. The order accepted women who
had been turned down from other orders due to health or age. In its early
years, the order did lots of public outreach, but there was opposition to a
public female ministry, so Francis de Sales made it a cloistered community.
St. Jane
Frances de Chantal died in 1641. Her feast day is August 12. She is patron of
the forgotten, those with in-law problems, and parents separated from their
Uncomfortably Close
For the past week or so, I’ve felt God close by. I don’t know what it is, but I’ve just noticed his presence. There is nothing substantially different about my life. I can’t point to certain good things happening and say, “A miracle, a blessing.” But there has been a peace. There has been a closeness. One that I didn’t particularly ask for. One that I don’t particularly know how to handle.
It feels so
foolish, practically blasphemous, to stay that I’m uncomfortable with such
attention. But it is uncomfortable. I wasn’t seeking God (at my own detriment),
and he has shown up anyway. And I don’t understand why. Is he trying to tell me
something, call me to some action, and I just can’t understand? Or is this
normal and I’ve been distant for so long I didn’t realize it? It’s
uncomfortable because this situation just points out how little I control. God
comes barging into my life because of course he can. Of course he will. And
it’s completely foolish of me to act surprised. And it’s awful of me to be
anything but grateful.
If there is
a particular reason, he’ll let me know. Otherwise, I should just be open. I
should embrace these moments of love and support and joy. I should relish in
this lingering presence. I should smile and sing. I should let myself be open
to such love.
Because it
does feel very much like being in love, where every moment is filled with a
preoccupied sense of joy and where every song, or story, or phrase seems to
overflow with personalized meaning. It’s the kind of love that won’t hurt. But
it still burns bright. And that makes me what to shield my eyes and slide into
shadows. To admire from afar. Love is vulnerable, and vulnerable is scary. Even
when it’s a good love, a safe love, a happy love. Oh, that I should be open to
such love.
7 Quick Takes Friday (vol. 91)
1. It's October 3.
2. Ah, the
expected workload hit this week. Back to the grad school grind. I actually got
an assignment when an unspecified page limit—just write until I have adequately
covered everything. Commence the blaaaaah.
3. I also
have to get a thesis topic together this month. I kept hoping something would
leap out, but no. I’m thinking of taking one of my religion papers and
expanding it, but I’ll have to run it by my adviser. I just my topic to be
something I like writing 100+ pages on. I want to enjoy the research.
Otherwise, I’ll be a grump for the next year.
4. I watched
the Mighty Ducks 2 this week, because I was between TV shows on Netflix. It was
good in a 1990s-“USA-USA-USA” way. But I genuinely liked the soundtrack.
5. I normally
don’t like Catholic girl lists. I think I don’t relate to a lot of them being
raised Protestant. However, this one was pretty good. So much #10. And seriously,
#17, can I take snacks to confession? And now I know what my team member was
quoting when we were discussing the quality of wine used in church and she
said, “This is church, that was Jesus, and you are a lady.”
6. While it's not like sin can actually be quantified, I did enjoy these charts of the seven deadly sins in the U.S. And I thought the way each sin was calculated was interesting.
7. Balloon hats.
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