7 Quick Takes Friday (vol. 30)

1. Happy Star Wars Day! May the fourth be with you.

2. Sorry I haven’t written much lately. I’ve been distracted by finals week.

3. Ok, I’ve also been pretty distracted by Star Trek on Netflix instant streaming.

4. Star Wars and Star Trek in one post? If I can fit in a Doctor Who reference, I'll have a nerd trifecta.

5. What’s with the font on the new Blogger? I can barely stand to look at that Comic Sans cousin every time I log on. It's taking me awhile to adjust to the new layout.

6. I’m done with school for about two months! And since I won't be working and just taking two classes this summer, I'm looking forward to all the free time.

7. I’m also looking forward to this weekend alone at home, cleaning, continuing my Star Trek marathon, and beginning to pack for Scotland.

Check out others' Quick Takes here!

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