500: Martin Luther

500: Fifth Lateran Council
In the early 1500s, the papal states were facing political opposition from Italian and French states. Venice was filling episcopal seats without Church approval and subjecting clergy to state tribunals. Pope Julius II sent in armies to get Venice back in line. Meanwhile, King Louis XII of France demanded Florence give allegiance to France, which would almost certainly start a war between the papal states and France. (Florence sent Niccolo Machiavelli to France as their diplomatic representative during this.) Pope Julius II wanted Italian states free from foreign influence. France tried to convene a general council in Pisa, intending to restrict the pope’s poltiical power, but the German princes refused to get involved and Maximillian I, who had at first supported the council, withdrew his support when the Germans refused. Without popular support in Pisa, the council moved to Milan, then Lyon, before disbanding the same year.
In response to the French council, Pope Julius II convened
the Fifth Lateran Council in 1512. He deposed four cardinals of their offices
and excommunicated participants of the conciliabulum council in Pisa.
Ambassadors of Maximillian I and Louis XII announced that their leaders
rejected any decisions made in Pisa. The council closed under Pope Leo X in
March 1517.
While political in much of its proceedings, the council
addressed ecclesiastical business as well. There was a bull to sanction the
monti di pieta (Mount of Piety). These financial institutions had been set up
about a century earlier as a charitable alternative to money lending. Designed
to benefit the borrower, they operated similar to a pawn shop and offered
low-interest loans (in theory). Through the council, they were put under
stricter ecclesiastical supervision with the aim to aid the poor in favorable
terms (not falling into usury, like banks).
Another result of the council was that a local bishop had to
give permission before the printing of a new book in his see. Since the movable
type press in 1439, literacy and the production and spread of books had boomed.
There was also a requirement for documented competence in preaching. Clergy had
to complete a regulated course of studies in philosophy. Both these things
addressed the Church’s need to keep foreign political and religious ideas from
the pamphlet and the pulpit. Finally, the council affirmed “the truth of the
enlightened Christian faith.”
Only a few months later, Martin Luther nailed his theses on
the door of Wittenberg Cathedral. Several historians believe that the Fifth
Lateran Council never had a chance to be properly implemented, because the
Church had to focus on the watershed of Protestantism. Some also believe that
if Martin Luther had seen the implementation of the council, his criticisms
would have been lessened. However, it didn’t work out that way. But I think
it’s clear that the Fifth Lateran Council shows that political struggles,
rising Protestant thought, and Church efforts for reform were already
well-established in Europe before Luther.
Motivation Monday: Canada
(a day early because it's been a long week)
To say 2016 has been a rough year so far is an understatement. This election cycle has been brutal, and the divisiveness and vitriol won't end on Nov. 8. But Canadians started the hashtag #TellAmericaItsGreat to perk up its southern neighbor, and it genuinely made me smile.

To say 2016 has been a rough year so far is an understatement. This election cycle has been brutal, and the divisiveness and vitriol won't end on Nov. 8. But Canadians started the hashtag #TellAmericaItsGreat to perk up its southern neighbor, and it genuinely made me smile.
500: Holy, Roman, Empire
There are three things about the Holy Roman Empire that
every high school student is taught: it was neither holy, Roman, nor an empire. But it tried to be. Since it no longer appears on modern
maps, we forgot how much the Holy Roman Empire impacted European politics for
On Christmas Day 800, Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne as emperor.
The idea of an emperor was that Charlemagne’s rule was a continuation of the
old Roman Empire in the West, which had been effectively demolished for three
centuries. Rome still lived. The title was elective; the emperor was selected from the
nobility in Europe. There was no capital city, and the kingdom consisted of
hundreds of decentralized domains. Other rulers maintained their own land and
had de facto independence, but they owed allegiance to the emperor.
Like other nobles, the Holy Roman Emperor often appointed
his own bishops and had control over who held ecclesiastical positions within
his kingdom, up to the papacy. Non-firstborn sons of nobility often were given
high positions in the church. As part of his large reform plan, Pope Gregory
VII tried to reform the investiture system, placing power back in the church.
The College of Cardinals was created in 1059; church officials would determine
who was pope, and from there, the Church would curtail secular investiture and
simony in Europe.
The struggle between Church and kingdoms continued. The
Concordat of Worms in 1122 allowed kings to invest bishops with secular
authorities within their kingdoms, but only the Church could invest sacred
authority. This left bishops with split loyalties: one to a king and one to the
pope. Kings maintained rights over their kingdoms (including some added tax
benefits), and the papacy maintained its place outside the control of the Holy
Roman Emperor (and got some added tax benefits). Kings struggled to have
control over their individual kingdoms while still maintaining strength in
unity, which meant the good graces of the Holy Roman Empire and the Church.
By the Late Middle Ages, the concept of power was becoming
more attached to money and land (which could be taxed for money) rather than
birthright and titles won in war. The Holy Roman Empire, an empire of scattered
landholdings across Europe, struggled to maintain control in an era of land
consolidations and the early rise of the nation-state. In the late 1400s, Maximilian I tried to reform the empire, levying new taxes, creating a supreme
court, and forming foreign policy legislation with other kings at the Diet of
Worms of 1495. But the reforms only kept the empire one of many players on the European stage.
By the turn of the sixteenth century, Germany was comprised
of several kingdoms. The nobles were seeing increased wealth, and the concept
of a nation-state was taking shape. These states didn’t really see the need of
a unifying empire, or Church for that matter. They wanted total control within
their borders, and they had the strength to fight for it. The power of the Holy
Roman Empire was weakened, and nobles were losing interest in pledging loyalty
to outside rulers, be they emperor or pope.
500: Black Death
While the Black Death, or bubonic plague, is often well-known, I don’t think we realize the profound effects it had on every level of European life. Imagine if, in less than a decade, the populated halved. The physical toll of empty houses, abandoned utilities, rotting bodies. The psychological toll of not knowing why it is happening or who is next. The social upheaval as power vacuums are created, labor is differently distributed, and cults grow with the promises of solutions. It's difficult to pinpoint when history pivoted toward the Reformation, because history does not have starts and stops. But I think the social shifts created by the plague laid groundwork for the Protestant Reformation.

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