The Nativity of John of the Baptist is an interesting feast. It’s not highly celebrated here, but it’s actually a really big day. Just as John was a preparation for Jesus, his birthday is a preparation for Christmas, exactly six months away. The only feast days of birthdays are for Jesus, Mary, and John. These three are the only three people born without original sin: Jesus, being God; Mary, immaculately conceived; and John, cleaned of original sin when he leapt in his mother’s womb.
There are several pieces of art which show John and Jesus as
children together, or John coming to view his newborn cousin Jesus (that six
month age gap gets a bit stretched). While anachronistic, I like the images of
the two children together. Not many biblical figures or saints are depicted as
children, plus it shows Jesus being raised not just by Joseph and Mary, but in
a larger extended family.
Babies and lambs and feast days that even supercede Sunday. What more could one ask for?
Babies and lambs and feast days that even supercede Sunday. What more could one ask for?
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