1. I completed NaNoWriMo! It totally helped that I FINALLY found my jumpdrive. I feel such a sense of accomplishment for reaching my goal, and it’s motivated me to keep working on my fiction just for me.
3. I have the house to myself again this weekend, and I’m looking forward to some solo vegging time, introvert-style. A Charlie Brown Christmas, Muppets Christmas Carol, and Love Actually are all on the agenda.
4. Speaking of the Muppets, if you haven’t seen the new Muppets movie, do it. Do it now. It is adorable and funny! I think I grinned out of pure delight through the whole thing.
5. I’m going to try to decorate a lot of the house this weekend to surprise my parents when they get home Wednesday. We never put up the tree until after the 10th, and I wouldn’t want to tackle it on my own anyway, but I want to get the Nativity set and some smaller decorations out.
6. I reread The Best Christmas Pageant Ever at work yesterday. If you don’t know, it’s the story about a church Christmas pageant (duh) that gets overtaken by the six meanest kids in town. These kids don’t know the Christmas story, and they see the story of Jesus’ birth in a more genuine, reactive way than those of us familiar with it do.
7. I help watch and tutor the kids at the Cumberland Presbyterian church on Wednesdays. Their pageant is in two weeks. They are singing those pre-packaged kids-bop-type songs, and I’d much prefer they just do the Nativity and sing “Away in a Manger” and “Silent Night.” They would know the words, and the congregation would be just as happy. All anyone really wants is to see little kids dressed as angels and sheep, right?
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