1. Holy Week was so amazing! I’m so happy to be a part of the Church.
2. It was also an exhausting week. Between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, I spent close to 11 hours in church services alone. But I loved it.
3. Everyone (Protestant and Catholic alike) has been so nice about my decision. It’s comforting how much everyone at my home Presbyterian church has supported me.
4. I still feel like I’m lacking the cultural heritage to be able to call myself a Catholic. But I’m sure it will become easier in time.
5. Summer and Fall registration is today. I’m hoping that it will be easier getting into the classes I need than it was for this spring. I’ve already redone it twice as classes have filled up before my registration time. Oh, I miss having early registration.
6. I seriously love being a student, and I’m excited to be a full-time student again in the fall. If only I could figure out a way to fund being a full-time student forever. I can think of three or four other degrees I wouldn’t mind getting.
7. The writing bug came back! I’ve been able to work on some fiction this past week. I’m really hoping I can get a lot done before the feeling passes.
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