In the last post, I talked about how people understand the world differently and our ideas of what is or can be true are at odds. Why does Mulder believe in aliens but not God, and why does Scully believe (sometimes) in God but not aliens? In an empirical materialist’s mind, both are equality unlikely. There are different philosophical proofs that could weigh the two, and psychoanalytics into why someone believes one over the other. I think it sometimes comes down to cost assessment. Will believing this ruin my good life? Will it improve my bad life? What do I have to sacrifice about myself to pursue this path that I find true? What purpose or obligation comes with believing?
In the same
episode I mentioned last time (s3e11 “Revelations”), the priest repeats a line
that Scully keeps hearing throughout the investigation: “Sometimes we must come
full circle to find the truth.” When she doesn’t say anything, he asks, “Does
that surprise you?” She replies, “Mostly it just makes me afraid.” He asks,
“Afraid?” She replies, “Afraid that God is speaking, but that no one’s

In mid-season 5, Mulder has
abandoned his faith in aliens, believing instead that all the alien evidence is
diversion for the government conspiracy. That his faith in the lie was used
against him. He no longer believes his own memory of events. He believes in
nothing, not even himself.
Scully, although skeptical to his
beliefs, finds a believing Mulder better than one who believes in nothing. When
he asks for her help (s5e14 “The Red and the Black”), she asks why she should.
She says, “Five years ago when I met you, you told me your sister had been
abducted. By aliens. That that event marked you so deeply that nothing else
mattered. I didn’t believe you. But I followed you, on nothing more than your
faith that the truth was out there, based not on facts, not on science, but on
your memories that your sister had been taken from you.” Why should she take
any risk when there isn’t anything, not even faith, for to risk herself? Mulder
urges, “If I could prove that I was right, and I what I believed for so long
was wrong.” She replies, “Is that what you really want?”
Scully recognizes his dark night
of the soul. He wants to believe, but can’t. On the other side, Scully strives
to remain skeptical, but experience after experience makes her question her own
stance. She returns to church more often, and she continues to believe in
messages from God. But she also sees the dark side of believing—a man who’s
given up everything, who gullibly chases every rumor, who can’t let go of the
past. Why would she want that?
In many ways, we
don’t choose to believe. We just do. But at the same time, we do choose. We
choose to live in accordance with that belief system. We alter ourselves to
align with the truth as we understand it. Regardless of what the belief system,
that change, that alteration, that radical upheaval, is usually difficult. So
many of us believe, but we choose not live as if we believe. We
compartmentalize our beliefs into manageable boxes, certain places and certain
times of day. We believe when it makes sense, when it won’t be ridiculed, when
it brings comfort. That helps starve off a dark night of the soul, that
lingering feeling that all is wrong, all is loss, all is outside of our
control. Less risk.
I want to believe.
I want to be the kind of believer that lives like I believe. But I don’t. I
want to play it safe, hedge my bets, fit in—a myriad of other excuses. I want
to believe and also be in control. But I’m not sure that’s how it works.
was a time that I thought that being comfortable or thinking that you had the
answers was a bad form of faith. Then I got comfortable and liked the answers I
had. As Mulder says in one episode (s7e9 “Signs and Wonders”), “People
think the devil has horns and a tail. They aren’t looking for a man who tells
you what you want to hear… Somebody offering you the answers could be a very
powerful thing.” Faith isn’t as simple as affirming a creed or answering an
altar call; it involves work and risk. James 2:26 says, “For just as a body
without a spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.” While I don’t
think works could ever merit salvation, I do think that works demonstrate faith
in two ways. First, one can do works without giving assent to the belief, kind
of “fake it until you make it.” Second, one can do works because belief is so strong,
that it is all-encompassing, spilling out from the intellectual, mystical
abstract into a measurable, tangible demonstration.
On a good day, my apathy is
brought on by a dark night of the soul. But mostly, it’s brought on by my own insecurities,
my own laziness, my own comfort, my own weak faith. I want to believe, but it’s
really hard.
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