For the low, low price of 60 pieces of silver

I hate to jump on the latest outrage wagon, but…

The saying goes, “When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross,” but must it be so literal?

The Christian nationalist “God Bless the USA Bible” went for sale on Holy Week (“Happy Holy Week” the video ad began). A fundraising grift for legal costs, the “Bible” indeed is wrapped in flag imagery, a political weapon shrouded in hallowed symbols. The item contains the KJV alongside the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Pledge of Allegiance, and lyrics to the song “God Bless the USA.”

Has anyone checked Monticello? Because Jefferson, who wrote his own edited-down version of the Bible, must be rolling in his grave.

The blatant disrespect, for both scripture and founding documents, is jarring, even in this day and age. Both are being commodified and weaponized. Maybe that’s nothing that new for America but it’s still insidious. It’s gross. This is not about the Word of God or the words of Thomas Jefferson. The hucksters don’t care about the actual message of these documents. The only message they care about is creating a warped version of both Christianity and patriotism, where you can only be a good Christian if you’re a conservative nationalist and you can only be a good citizen if follow a specific, narrow strain of Christianity.

Obey and pay, and ignore those pesky words about love and liberty.

The Christian identity movement loves identifying as Christian, but isn’t that concerned with actually being Christian. It doesn’t expect you to read that star-spangled Bible, just display it. It doesn’t want the conversion and compassion and charity of faith; it just wants the worldly power. And for followers it’s an appealing offer—you don’t have change your life or care about others or use discernment and reason; just do what I tell you and I will make your enemies suffer. Quite the Faustian offer, for the low cost of your soul and $60 plus shipping.

You can find the Bible and the American founding documents for free. And actually read them and become an informed person. Be a good Christian. Be a good citizen. One’s morals does indeed play into how one acts in the public sphere. But not in the way Christian nationalists want.

Blasphemy is the act of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things. Just because something is packaged as Christian does not mean it is Christian. Even Satan can quote and sell scripture.

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