St. Angela of Foligno

St. Angela of Foligno was born into a wealthy family in Umbria in 1248. She married and had several children. She loved worldly pleasures and often disregarded her duties to her family.

Around the age of 40 she had a vision of St. Francis of Assisi; after this experience, she began to lead a life devoted to God. It is said she continued to have mystical revelations for the rest of her life.

Three years later, Angela lost her mother, husband, and children in the span of a few months. She gave away her possessions and joined the Third Order of St. Francis.

She spent much of her time dictating her spiritual journey and her mystical revelations to a scribe.

Around 1296 Angela began gathering other Franciscan tertiaries who followed her instructions on advancing in holiness. She established a community in Foligno of women tertiaries; along with the Rule of the Third Order, they made a commitment to common life so they could devote themselves to works of charity. The community was not recognized as a religious institute until the 20th century.

During Christmas 1308, Angela had a vision of Christ promising to come personally take her to heaven. She died in her sleep a few days later on Jan. 3, 1309. Her writings and example as a spiritual teacher led to her being called “Teacher of Theologians” by Jesuit theologian Maximilian van der Sandt.

St. Angela of Foligno’s feast day is Jan. 4 (Jan. 7 in the United States). She is a patron of widows and those afflicted with sexual temptation.

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