In the past couple of weeks, the news has been filled with the saga of the county clerk who is refusing to issue marriage licenses in light of the Supreme Court ruling allowing same sex couples to marry in all 50 states. I didn’t really have an opinion on the ruling; I just wanted both sides to be calmer and more charitable. I didn’t want to add to the noise.
places complied with the ruling. But one clerk in eastern Kentucky refused to
grant marriage licenses to gay couples, then all couples, and forbid her deputy
clerks from doing so. As an elected official she can’t be fired; she must be
impeached, except the Kentucky legislature doesn’t meet again for several
months. So she was held in contempt of court, thrown in prison for a few days,
and the case still hangs in limbo as everyone waits to see if she’ll defy the
order again. She’s become a darling of the right-wing. They have cast her up as
a martyr for the faith, refusing to ignore her belief that gay marriage is
wrong. This is Christian persecution, they say. What it really is though is a
piss-poor example of Christianity.
is what people think of when they think of Christians: conservative politicians
using Pentecostal/fundamentalist exegesis to assert political power under the
guise of morality. They think of judgmental hypocrites. They think of angry
protesters, angry not at the true injustices of the world, but angry at the
lack of theocracy. This issue with marriage licenses is not standing up for the
truth; it is hiding the truth by misrepresenting Christianity so horribly.
are times when one should stand up, make a fuss, fight against evil. And I’m
willing to believe that Kim Davis does feel genuine conviction against
condoning gay marriages. But when one’s job conflicts with one’s morals, one
should quit. Quit loudly, let it be known that the position is morally corrupt,
but do not expect to be paid while not doing the job. I would not take a job in
the infantry but refuse to shoot a gun. I would not take a job as an imam but
refuse to teach the Quran. It is unfortunate that the job changed around her,
but the right thing to do would have been to quit, to sacrifice employment for
the sake of one’s morals. I could understand and respect that.

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