1. I reached 100 posts this week! I meant to do something special for it, but it snuck up on me. Whoops. You’d think that since I only post once or twice a week, I’d be able to pay better attention.
2. I realized I hadn’t been using my New American Bible lately, nor did I even know where it was. When I finally found it, it still had an Advent pamphlet in it. Fail.
3. I used to keep a dream journal, and I really want to get back into this practice. I don’t believe in deciphering symbols in dreams or anything. I just selfishly think my dreams have such stories that it’s a loss to the literary culture for them to disappear five minutes after I wake up each morning.
4. I’m in the process of looking for an apartment. My dream place would be within walking distance of school but not surrounded by other college students. I’d love to be surrounded by quiet retirees or something. I lived next to a frat house once; I think once is enough.
5. I’m really excited to see a couple of friends from college and go to a hockey game this weekend!
6. I really need to stop saying “from college” or “when I was in school” since I’ve gone back. But I still consider 2007-2010 my true college years and now just as a “going to classes” phase. Maybe that will change when I go full-time.
7. If I look forward to dinner on Fridays, is there actually an act of penance? It’s just avocado sandwiches and Caesar salads are so healthy and delicious, I don’t miss my normal meat entrée. (I still miss chocolate though, so I guess that can make up for it.)
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I tend to read my Bible online so my devotionals in the pocket are several years old.