1. I had a wonderful weekend hanging out with a couple of friends I hadn’t seen in months. It’s too bad we don’t live closer together.
2. Even though I’ve started a few, I haven’t been able to complete any posts this week. Hopefully, I can finish one or two up this weekend.
3. I have one of those weekends planned where I stay cooped up inside cleaning and watching movies. I love weekends like that. I’m such an introvert.
4. The main reason I couldn’t get anything done this week was that I was distracted by the Hunger Games. I finally got my hands on the first book, and then proceeded to read the entire trilogy in three days. I don’t think I have read that fast since Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows came out.
5. Despite being completely addictive, I’m still not sure if I actually like the Hunger Games or not. I think it’s good, but perhaps we just aren’t a good match. While I love Peeta, I’m still undecided on the main charter Katniss; after three books of first person narrative, I should have an opinion by now.
6. Along with the Hunger Games, I recently bought two Roald Dahl and two E.L. Konigsburg books. I can’t help that children’s literature is so much better than adult literature.
7. I found an apartment I’ll be moving into in June! It’s quite smaller than I had hoped, but it will suffice while I’m in school. And it’s in a nice neighborhood instead of a large complex, which makes me happy.
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